Monday, April 19, 2010

The good news of the day...

is we FINALLY got the swing set put together!
We hired a dad and son, rent-a-husband crew to come out and finish up the swing set and they got it together in about 3.5 hours. Savannah and I sat outside and watched them work while Pat went into Charlottesville for a meeting at his office (he had the camera in the van so I couldn't get any construction photos).
Savannah was so excited to see their work as the slide came together and then the swing set... and then both kids had a blast enjoying their new outdoor toy!
The swing set takes up our small back yard, but it's well worth it to see how excited the kids were to have a playset so close to their disposal.
Here are a few pictures...


Unknown said...

What a great addition to your backyard...your kids will get lots of mileage out of that slide! Have a great day!

Family-Friendly Product Reviews said...

I'm following you back from FF! Thanks so much for stopping by! Have a great weekend!