Thursday, May 8, 2008

Great journalism...

I can honestly say this is the best piece of journalism I've read in a long time. 
Joanna Connors, a reporter for the Plain Dealer in Cleveland, Ohio, tells the story of how she was raped while on assignment. It's a five-part series that discusses trying to find out more about her attacker and find some peace in what happened to her so many years ago.
The photo above is part of the story and is the only visual element I could get to upload.
I was a newspaper reporter for 12 years and I saw myself in some of the things she wrote about... I've often thought  how lucky I was to never have been hurt when I went out to seedy neighborhoods and knocked on doors.
I've been in houses talking to family members while others smoked weed and drank around me. There have been time when bosses knew to come looking for me if I hadn't checked in.
Journalists certainly aren't the most popular people, but what they do day to day can be dangerous work and is not for the faint at heart.
Please read this series, but give yourself some time because the stories are long, but worth the read.

Here is the link to the story:

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