Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Julius' 1-year check-up...

Julius had his one-year check-up today and it's no surprise he measured in the 90th percentile for weight, height and head circumference. He weighed in at 28.75 lbs. and measured at 31.2 inches (I think this is a little off because it means he only grew .2 tenths of an inch in three months and I know that is wrong) and his head circumference is 48.1 cm.
I just looked at Savananh's first year measurements and she was 22.8 lbs. and 30 inches after she celebrated her big day.
It's amazing to me how fast time flies and how wonderful it is to have two healthy children.
I didn't remember that Savannah got her big toe pricked and three shots during this visit... poor Julius actually got the toe prick and four shots because he had the second H1N1 shot.
He had a hard time with the shots and it was a sad sight to see.
I hate to see my Little Man upset!

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