I took Savannah and Julius yesterday to meet their second cousin, Elias, yesterday and we had a really good visit.
The first thing I have to say is Elias, or Eli for short, is VERY SMALL. My children were almost 10 and 11 lbs., respectively so holding a baby that is barely 7 lbs. was a new experience. He has to be the tiniest baby I've ever held and his little face has so many different expressions that it was hard not to be mesmerized by it!
Savannah loved seeing Baby Eli as she calls him and Julius enjoyed warming up his exersaucer and trying out his crib mobile... I'm going to have to dig out the one for his bedroom because I know he would enjoy it!
Here are a few pictures... I'm hoping Joe will post some because it was very hard to take pictures when I was holding all three children. The last picture is Savannah running away from the cameras after she kissed Baby Eli.
We hope to go back and visit soon as this is the next generation of the Fitzgerald clan.
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