Saturday, March 6, 2010

The countdown has begun...

Celebrating Julius' milestone birthday a few weeks ago got me thinking about my own milestone birthday coming up... the big 4-0! Although it's more than two years away, there are some major things I want to accomplish and it's probably going to take that long to do it.
I look back at the last 38 years and realize how lucky I have been... I have a wonderful husband and together we have two healthy, beautiful children. We have made ourselves a life here in central Virginia and are close to family and friends... and then have so many wonderful family and friends living over the rest of the country.
I spent so many of my adult years chasing a career and now I've been blessed with the ability to stay at home and take care of my children... and I'm so thankful to be able to do that as long as I can.
Now it's time to get focused on taking care of myself... that means getting some weight off and getting more rest. I think they go hand and hand as not getting enough rest leads to overeating to keep myself going... and the vicious cycle continues.
So, I'm putting myself back on my priority list... right up there with Pat, Savannah and Julius.
It's time to get ready for my big 4-0 ... I'm really excited to be getting there!

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