Friday, May 28, 2010

Houston, we have liftoff...

Savannah FINALLY used the potty tonight! It has only taken 18 months to convince her to use the potty.
This morning I sat her on the toilet in our bathroom and she wouldn't go, but tonight she told me she wanted to use the potty and she sat down on it.
A few minutes later she told me she peed and I looked inside to find a good amount of the yellow stuff in the potty.
Woo Hoo!

UPDATE: Savannah seems to have mastered the first part of potty training... remembering when she has to go #1. I eagerly await the completion of her training!


Anonymous said...

yay congrats!! :) you should go to my page i have great tips on my blog. on the top of the page its called "tips for potty training" i trained my 2.5 year old to be fully potty trained in less then 30 days.

Oka said...

YAY! The beginning to a great independence!

Cheeseboy said...

These are great moments. Congrats to her.

Amanda Tempel said...

Hey there :)

Thanks for following me, I am now following you back from the blog hop.

Amy @ Marvelous Mommy said...

Very exciting!!

Returning the Friday Follow love!

Amanda said...

Yay, Savannah!!!!