Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday Follow...

Here were are again at another Friday Follow and an important FF it is. This is the Friday before my daughter, Savannah's, third birthday and we're celebrating tomorrow with a family day.
For those of you stopping by to say hello let me tell you a little about myself. I'm a 37-year-old stay-at-home Mama and freelance writer who left the newspaper world three years ago when Savannah was born. Since then we've added a son, Julius, into the family and moved from Arkansas to Virginia to be closer to our families.
There is plenty more to our story and I hope you come back and visit us again...


Yellow House Knits said...

Thanks for stopping by the Yellow House! Looking forward to reading more of your blog!

Anonymous said...

Hi there! Thank you for stopping by and following us! We're following you too :)

Have a great day
Becky :)

Katie said...

Happy Follow Friday! I'm your newest follower :) I hope you'll stop by my blog My Story Is Not Over @

TheSmellyArmpit said...

Thanks for visiting! Following back from FF. :)