Monday, April 19, 2010

The bad news of the day...

Well, it will soon be the end of an era for the Fitzgerald house as Pat's newspaper job comes to a close. Despite a combined more than 35 years in the newspapering world, Pat and I are both hoping for jobs in other fields.
Hubby found out today that his editor's job will be relocated next month and there is really no way he can take a position there (it would be a daily four-hour commute). Therefore, he will be unemployed as of May 13.
We knew this was coming, but it's still been a shock to the system to have a real end date.
While Pat is finishing up his last weeks at the newspaper, I'm polishing up my own resume and thinking about the kind of full-time work I'm interested in.
We figure that having two educated people looking for solid, full-time jobs would be better than one.
I know that in the long run we'll be OK, but there are still a lot of scary times ahead and it worries me... and anyone who knows me knows I'm a worrier.


Chantel said...

Oh love, so sorry--it's a crazy world out there! You have each other and a beautiful family. You will be in my thoughts...

grannyann said...

Sorry to hear about Pats employment. Do you think it will ever stop - people loosing their jobs? Hang in there, you might look to the internet and start your own business. Lots do it. My son is a graphic artist, does logos world wide on internet and builds websites on the side. Has more business than the can keep up with. He has been doing that for years now tho but lots are making a living doing internet. Offer something not many others are doing.
PS: like the new picture of the kids.