Sunday, January 31, 2010

Digging out - January 2010

Well, we were able to start digging ourselves out after the second big snowfall of the season. This time we were lucky to only get about eight inches of the fluffy stuff, but it's still made getting down our street nearly impossible.
Pat came home this morning after spending the night at a hotel in Charlottesville (we're about to buy stock in that place since we've paid for five nights there in the last six weeks!) and promptly started shoveling the snow on our driveway. I helped him a little bit, but he did most of the work.
The only problem was that he wasn't able to get himself back up the road in order to work tonight... so he had to get someone else to cover his shift. He had to get our distant neighbors to help turn the car around on the sheet of ice that is our road and he made his way back to the driveway.
Less than an hour later, he was working on the driveway when two vehicles hit the guardrail after losing control while coming down the hill Pat couldn't get back up.
Savannah is still in Centreville with Kathy and Tom and we're hoping we can go get her tomorrow. I'm sure she's happy and content, but we miss having her around this little house on the hill.
Here are some pictures of our progress...

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