Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Savannah's 2-year check-up....

I took Savannah to the doctor yesterday for her second-year check-up and she's doing really well. She took her Dolly with us and Dolly got a check-up too.
Savannah weighed in at 26.6 lbs., and is 38 inches in length... and the doctor said she falls right in the middle of children her age in the height and weight charts. Sidenote: I didn't get the measurements on her head, but she fell in the 95th percentile there... lots of room for all those brains!
Dr. Mayo said Savannah is doing well (and so was Dolly) and that we should continue allowing her to take things like potty training at her own pace. She said all the sickness Savannah has had this winter is due to the playdates we have and is normal.
We don't have another check-up until she is 3... and it sounds so far away, but I know it's not.

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