Saturday, July 12, 2008

Beautification time...

One of the side effects of taking prenatal vitamins is that your hair grows quicker.
Since I've always been partial to short hair it means either more trips to the beauty salon or try to grow my hair out long again.
I was considering growing my hair out when my wonderful husband so gently (NOT!) explained to me today that it was time for an eyebrow/lip wax.... and he didn't mean to hurt my feelings by saying it!
I don't think there is an easy way to tell a woman she needs to go to the beauty shop!
I've made an appointment for a little ME time tomorrow while Pat and Savannah stay at home and have a little Daddy and Daughter time.
There is nothing a woman loves more than having hot wax poured on her face and then pulled off with tape! 
See what a woman does for the love of a man!

1 comment:

Megan said...

I am totally freakout by the thought of an eyebrow wax! But, I do hope you have a good experience and look great when you are finished! I got a pedicure today. My toes are so cute!